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Is your organisation paying for unused telecommunication services?

We have noticed that many organisations fail to audit and take action on the recurring services that make up their telecommunications invoice. It is almost always a combination of being busy on other work and not having the skills or experience to do the work quickly. We have all of these!

As a New Zealand based, independent consulting firm with deep experience in Telecommunicaitons, for a small fee (below) our team will audit your services, recommend changes then review billing to ensure services have been removed, saving money and time.

In our most recent engagement we uncovered unneeded services, resulting in a saving of over $6,000 per month

Once the mainstay of voice and internet access services, copper POTS access services often remain in place and continue to be billed after organisations move to centralised voice/UC platforms and/or replace copper with fibre access services.

With the removal of copper-based lines from the market many organisations are also faced with the challenge of finding alternative solutions to support alarms, fax and other analogue services.

Edge Communications is well placed to assist organisations in auditing, rationalising, and migrating away from POTS/analogue services with a focus on simplification and cost reduction. We know what to look for, who to ask and can do this fast. Our telecommunications consultants have had an average 20 years’ Telco experience between them.

For those organisations who have already migrated to the cloud for voice/UC, we are also able to provide guidance in optimising the utilisation and hence your monthly spend as the nature of communication and collaboration shifts to internet-based services and mobile, and away from traditional telephony.

Which organisations will benefit most from our audit and review process? 

  • Medium to large sized organisations with branch offices or sites and/or complex services

  • Organisations who believe they have legacy POTS/analogue services that are no longer required and/or will become inoperable as the industry removes support for copper and POTS/analogue services.

  • Organisations who are uncertain of their monthly Telco bills and want to ensure they are only paying for what they need and are using.

How can we help you ensure you are not paying for legacy POTS/analogue lines and services?

  • We will audit your POTS/analogue services to determine if they are still required. These legacy services are often still being billing by the telco after an organisation has moved to a centralised or cloud voice/UC solution.

  • We will audit and assist with the optimisation of your cloud voice/UC service including critique and clarification of telco billing.

Our approach:

  • We start by spending time to understand the general approach and utilisation of voice/UC services across your organisation

  • Next, we critique your telco/service provider invoices to identify the services being billed and match these to expectations from the general approach detailed above

  • From the billing and call records we identify areas where services have low utilisation

  • As part of the review, we identify services that will be removed from the market that support key analogue use cases within the organisation. (e.g., alarms, fax, lines used in emergencies etc.)

What is the output of our Audit?

A high-level report outlying potential areas for:

  • Savings

  • Rationalisation of lines and services

  • Identified requirement for replacement solutions.

Next Steps

If you would like our assistance to ensure you aren’t paying for services that are no longer required including services that may soon be replaced, please contact me for a no obligation discussion.

Contact: Kerry McFetridge

Edge Communications

Mobile +64 21 436 550