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Communication and Collaboration Consulting

While technology keeps evolving, so will Edge Consulting. Adopt and adapt with us.

Take our Telco Score Card

Can you save $ thousands on your telco bill? 

Reduce and consolidate your spend on telecommunications - take our Telco Score Card.

Answer 12 questions and get a personalised report with an action plan to improve your businesses' telecommunications.

We help you reduce and / or consolidate your telecommunications spend.  We consider your:

  • Current platform

  • Service duplication

  • Confidence in your bill and supplier relationships.

We've helped businesses get better services, improved technologies AND save thousands of dollars on their monthly bill.

With the evolution of Technology services, the focus is now very much on the customer experience with access to real time contextual digital information enhancing the experience. Traditional wide area networks are on the move, how are you adapting?

Technology Services:


Developing and implementing strategies across the UCC, CC and networking spectrum that align with an organization's overall business goals and objectives within their digital transformation journey.

Solutions Architecture

Enterprise Architecture and supporting Solutions Architecture services providing current state, future state, change modelling and informative data across the business and digital landscape.

Secure Connectivity

Adoption of secure and flexible connectivity platforms to support the drive to cloud consumption and hybrid work practices spanning the office and work from home.

Modern Workplace

Recognising and utilising digital communication and collaboration tools with line of business applications to create a flexible and knowledge driven work environment in and out of the office.

Digital Customer Engagement

Evolving beyond the traditional voice contact centre to AI assisted omni channel cloud-based customer engagement tools.

Unified Communication and Collaboration

Migrating away from legacy PBX and voice centric platforms or expanding your UCC tools to enable the modern workplace, we assist in the implementation of these tools.


A key tool within the UCC realm, we provide guidance and experience in managing a fleet.

Cloud Computing

Providing guidance and assistance with the migration and management of IT systems and data on cloud-based platforms.

Clients we’ve assisted with Technology Services include:

How can we help?

Let’s discuss your project requirements. We’d love to hear from you.

Learn more about what we do

Business and IT Management Services

Edge Consulting offers a range of management services, from enterprise architecture through to digital transformation and operational management, upholding and working to your business goals and values.

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Project and Programme Management Services

Systematic, controlled and with excellent communication, Edge Consulting will progress your projects and help staff adapt to change efficiently and effectively. Let’s move your projects forward!

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Procurement Services and Contract Management

Our dedicated consultants will take the pressure off your team and assist you through the tender development, information gathering and documentation creation progressions. We help you make informed decisions throughout the process.

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